Corporate Relocation

Relocation Benefits works directly with Human Resource Managers and Chief Financial Officers to assist with recruiting and on-boarding of employees.   Relocation Expenses are taxable income and  many companies do not classify and tax expenses properly.  We understand this and will keep you in compliance with IRS regulations while in some cases saving your company up to  $25,000 per employee.

Services offered:

  • Gross up Calculations
  • Temporary Housing Services
  • Expense Tracking
  • Property Management
  • Home Finding Services
  • Home Disposition Services and Buyer Value Options
  • Travel Services
  • Auto Shipping
  • Household Goods Moving
  • Apartment Finding and Area Tours

Do you need a relocation Policy?  Do you need your Policy reviewed?  Give us a call we offer the initial consultation for free.  Contact Andrew Drescher – 5712056136